Cristhofferhot's Free Live Sex Chat Room

I can please you in everything you propose to me, I am an open-minded boy who just wants to explore new things in life, I love things that are fun, happy and that can please whoever is sharing every moment with me, come let's enjoy. I have little sexual experience but being open-minded I accept any challenge or proposal they have for me, I hope yours, I just want to have fun, have a good time and the most important thing is that you enjoy me. Outdoor things, public sex, and also the other extreme excite me since I tend to be romantic, thoughtful, and very dedicated to romantic situations. It excites me when they talk in my ear, the rubbing of bodies, the smells, fetishes yes, find out.

Cristhofferhot send a message

Last Performance: Fri, Dec 27, 05:00
  • Name CristhofferHot
  • Gender male
  • Age 22
  • Build Muscular
  • Zodiac Cancer
  • Hair Black
  • Height 5'10" (1.8m)
  • Weight 172 lbs (78kg)
  • Eye Color Brown
  • Cup Size N/A
  • Ethnicity Hispanic
  • Preference Bisexual
