SashaFortich's Free Live Sex Chat Room

I'm Sasha, a girl who, while not the most outgoing in the world, has a mischievous side that peeks out when least expected. I consider myself an enigma, because although I like to keep to myself and watch from the shadows, when it comes to playing, I transform into someone completely different. In my day to day life, I am calm, sometimes even quiet. I prefer to listen than to talk, and I usually think a lot before saying something. But, as soon as the lights go down and the conversations become closer, my eyes sparkle with a spark of mischief. Sometimes, unintentionally, a flirtatious gesture escapes, a suggestive smile or a look more intense than it should. I don't do it on purpose... well, maybe a little. I love seeing how the energy changes when something unexpected happens. What I like most is feeling in control without anyone noticing. I love the mystery surrounding my attitudes, the power of a smile that leaves a lot to the imagination. I don't like pressure. I need time to observe, to get to know people in my own way, and when they try to rush me, it just shuts me down.

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Last Performance: Fri, Dec 27, 18:33
  • Name SashaFortich
  • Country Colombia
  • Age 21
  • Hair Color Black
  • Hair Length Shoulder length
  • Gender fetish
  • Build Athletic
  • Language(s) English, Spanish
  • Eye Color Brown
  • Cup Size Normal
  • Ethnicity Latin
  • Preference Bisexual
